Saturday, December 12, 2015

Advanced Posing Tips & Tricks

The Advanced tab under the Pose section of HeroForge cutomization allows for more fine control of your miniature's positioning. There are many parts which can be posed dynamically, including most of the upper body, capes, longer hairstyles, and most accessories and weapons. At this time, you cannot customize the leg positions of your figures.
A few notes to keep in mind when starting to use the advanced posing system:
  • Choose your base pose carefully before customizing any parts. Any advanced posing will be cleared if you choose a different base pose.
  • Choose your type of hand-held accessories next. While you can switch between items of the same hand grip style (i.e. switching from a staff to an axe), if the grip is different, all custom posing will be cleared.
  • Sometimes when you switch from one hand-held accessory to another, HeroForge will warn you that your custom posing will be cleared.  Instead of switching directly from item to item, if you remove the first item leaving an empty hand, then select the new item, you can avoid the custom posing being cleared.
  • If you realize too late that you need to change something that will reset your advanced posing, you have a couple resources to avoid losing your work entirely:
    • Before changing the item, save a copy of your pose for reference, and open a new browser tab with your hero so you can reference the positional sliders before and after making the change.
    • Your browser's Inspector tool can be used to find the exact positional values of the sliders if you need to be exact.
  • Using your browser's zoom function can also be helpful.  As you zoom, the preview of your hero will not change size, but the UI elements will, allowing you to see more items on the screen at the same time.  (67% is comfortable).